Auscura's Histopathology Electronic Reporting Optimizer Laboratory Information System (HERO LIS™) manages end-to-end histopathology processes from tissue receipt to report finalization. The system optimizes each stage of histopathology:

  1. Pre-Analysis: Error-free accessioning, optimized technician workflows, enhanced team communication, and balanced workload distribution.
  2. Analysis: Stain ordering, AI-assisted interpretation, diagnostic support, and billing code assignment.
  3. Post-Analysis: Efficient report dissemination, issue alerts, and comprehensive business intelligence reporting.
  4. Administration: Performance metrics and business intelligence reports complied monthly and pushed to department directors.

HERO is a cloud-based, AI-driven solution designed to efficiently manage large image files, enabling seamless data retrieval and processing. It ensures secure storage on HIPAA-compliant servers equipped with advanced cyber threat protection. Accessible from any device with an internet connection, HERO eliminates the need for local installations, offering healthcare professionals unparalleled flexibility.